Today I lauched Paper Raisins' new look! ...a new face with lots of new images. It's been quite a while in the works and it's nice to have it done...ish...!!!
Of course there is lots of great stuff to come...fantastic new patterns, color options etc... but it's a start. A lot of my stuff is in storage right now since we're moving in October... and moving us means Paper Raisins is moving too.
I am so excited that in the new digs - I will have my own dedicated space to create! ...I've picked out the color scheme and can't wait to impliment it...it will be fantastic to have creative and soothing surroundings in which to do what I love doing! I only wish it didn't have to be a part-time passion. I feel like Clark Kent - during the day working an 8-4 then morphing into Superman when I get home! ...well, maybe not super"man" ...more like super"mompreneur", it's a lot of work to try to juggle!
Anyway...enough babbling... enjoy the new look, new site and new styles...and keep your eyes peeled for more great things to come!