So does anyone want to know what I've been up to lately?? Here goes...I've been busy! Orders are coming in more regularly which is fantastic!! Then there's the custom stuff.
Custom Client Project #1 - Hooded mommy wrap - for maternity photography. This is a true labor of love... I'm lovin' it... although it is slow going with the rich cables & lacework!! I will be so happy when I can share the finished product with you! Custom Client Project #2 - Hanging "bucket" for newborn photography... which I'm just about done, just waiting for the base material to be ready. I must say it was a challenge to figure out what he heck I can use to make a ridgid base that can withstand the "hazards of the industry" if you know what I mean. ;) Hopefully this little number should be finished up within the week, then I just have to send it out for fit testing! Custom Client Project #3 - Vertical Sling for newborn photography... I whipped up a great upright sling made from this beautifully textured imported yarn, accented with either a pink, blue, or green fishnet style flowered band. This little number is getting fit tested this Friday... YAY, I love having connections!!!Personal Project - I've been trying to get more photography practice when I can, I'm not a professional, that's for sure, but I'm making improvement and learning from my mistakes! ...and I'm really enjoying getting more practice!!! So I did newborn pictures for my co-worker's daughter... oh, she was such a sweet little one!! Well, once I finished up her pictures I asked her mom if she'd be into some birth announcements. She said yes... then I had some fun! ...I haven't scrapbooked in ages but thought I'd approach this project from a digital scrapbooking angle and I had so much fun! Plus I haven't noticed any styled like that for sale! I liked doing it so much that I made a corresponding boy announcement, in the same layout... and I posted them to my ETSY shop tonight! I hope everyone likes them as much as I do! I'm planning to design some more layouts and post them to ETSY as well... in between client orders of course!!! :)so.... wanna see my first two announcements??