Friday, October 29, 2010
For the love of...
As you probably know, the Manitoba Children's Museum is undergoing a huge renovation project. They'll be closed for quite some time... sniff...sniff... but will be re-opening with new galleries and experiences for our children... I think I may be more sad than P about the huge tree slide being removed...
Well... Paper Raisins has donated a hat, scarf & mitty set for their fundraising efforts! ...the set will be auctioned off to the highest bidder - check it out here! There are many great items there to bid on and the auctions will be up until November 24, 2010.
Go now... check it out and support this great facility!!! Go....
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
the thing about Annie...
So it's been insane in my world. I had a retirement party for a co-worker to plan and execute...which took place today... whew... despite being stressed about making it a success it went off without a hitch! yay! ...I like a good theme for a party so this one was a Country-fair, Farmer's Market type feel, complete with straw bails, a scarecrow, big bunches of balloons, 1/2 barrel full of flowers and veggies (I even got carrots with leafy tops!!) and a red and white gingham table runner! ...not to mention all the "in theme" signage...
Watering hole for the drink table... bake sale for the dainty table... farmer's market banners for the banquet table... photo op with the scarecrow... kissin' booth (goodbye hugs - free) by the honored retiree! ...and it was all named Annieville...

I'm sure you can image the "man" hours that went into this labor of love! But it was all worth it! ...I know she will treasure it for a lifetime!
Wanna see a couple sample pages??
And me - incidentally I hate pictures of myself... this one I didn't mind so much though!
Hope you enjoyed! I'm off to put up my feet for a few minutes... watch some Biggest Loser!
Stay tuned for my next post... I will have some new hats to share! ...and they are modeled by the sweetest little one, she's the gorgeous daughter of a co-worker...I got to play with her a couple weeks ago! :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Monday Musing - Have a Nice Trip???!!!
- Falling in gym class as a child and not telling anyone that I'd hurt my bum...didn't get my back fixed until I went to a chiropractor in my 20's!
- Falling up the stairs (that's right, now down them but up high school, in between classes, the halls teeming with students... needless to say I was mortified).
- Falling down a flight of stairs at my old work while carying about 20 patient charts... they went flying...I tumbled down about 10 stairs, landed at the bottom and smoked the back of my head on the metal edge of one of the concrete stairs, can you says seeing stars and nausea??
- Falling down while exiting my apartment while my husband (then boyfriend) was driving down my street to pick me up (think you see me.... now you don't...real smooth).
- Falling at the same spot on the sidewalk on Ellice near my work three independent times. The two most memorable were once while walking with a co-worker, she couldn't stop laughing...and the time I fell walking to my car - my purse went flying...the contents of my purse went flying lunch bag went flying... I went flying...and a couple homeless guys stopped and picked me up of the sidewalk, gathered my things and made sure I was okay.
This brings me to today!'s been a while so I was overdue for a good fall... in classic Lee-Ann style I was at my 5 minute morning exercise group...all psyched for stair climing... I took one flight and at the bottom of it rolled my ankle and met the landing with a thud. I was stair climbing roadkill... seriously...people had to step over me.... LOL...
So I waited it out, moved it around gently and then climbed stairs for the last 2ish minutes, then walked my coffee-break 20 and my lunch 40, although a tad slower than my usual pace ...needless to say I'm feelin' the pain now! foot's up, and I'm hoping this one fulfills my quota for a while!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A Beautiful Disaster!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
You can't see me....