Monday, September 15, 2008


  1. I have a large stash – and I don’t mean moustache! My yarn collection could rival any respectable yarn store.
  2. Although I have this large stash, I still buy more yarn!
  3. I regularly beg my husband to take up crochet so I can increase production.
  4. Acrylic chenille is one of my favourite materials – it can be tricky to work with but is so soft and cuddly I can’t resist.
  5. I have an addiction to Slurpees and Kraft Dinner (I know! It’s bad!!!!)
  6. Every time I come up with a design idea (crochet, home, sewing, scrapbooking...) i'm terrified that i'll never have another good idea.
  7. I'm starting to teach P how to crochet, she's 3 - child labor isn't all bad is it??? ;)
  8. I'm excited about my business and terrified at the same time. Hopeful it will be successful, afraid it will be successful...i'm an exercise in contradiction!
  9. I am a birth junkie, facinated by the natural, unmedicated & properly supported process. I read about birth, I watch shows about birth - and not the baby-story type, the natural, raw kind. If I had a chance in life to go back to school it would be to become a midwife.
  10. I take crochet projects out with me...i've even been known to crochet at red lights while driving... ssshhhhhhhhh, don't tell!
  11. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my work - i'll tear something out and start over 10 times if it makes it come out better in the end... it pains my husband to watch!
  12. I love my family of 3!

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