Thursday, June 4, 2009's in the bag baby!!!

So... I carry my knit/crochet with me ALL the time... but you knew that about me already! ...usually I carry an "eco-friendly" reusable grocery store bag with all my goods stuffed inside... not so glamorous ...somewhat utilitarian... does the job... I can live with that...

Well...after a whole lot of "window shopping" it was time for a treat! ...I first saw Jordana Paige knitting bags in, you guessed it, a knitting magazine...and I was in love! ...they're great... they've got all these special knitter-oriented packages and pockets... oh, they're awesome!

So... I finally ordered one! :) ...yay for me! :)

whatcha think?? ...I love the color, red-faux croc! the next time I brought out my knitting at the in-laws they told me this was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH better... apparently the grocery store bag wasn't workin' for them! LOL...

1 comment:

Gia said...

Oh My Goodness LeeAnn, I LOVE it!! I never saw your eco-friendly reusable grocery bag, but kudos to you for the upgrade!!! HOTT!!! Love the color! you did good girl! You deserve a treat, ENJOY!