Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday musing ~ Volume 1

I like to talk...a report cards in school always said... Lee-Ann is a pleasure to have in class... but is very "social" other words ummmmmmmm.... talks too much! :) so I blabber... about nothing... a lot I thought I'd extend it to you! Really, it shouldn't just be my family and co-workers who have to listen to me!!!

So here goes... my very first Monday musing...

So a couple weeks ago I met Carol for lunch... nowhere special... just the local food court for a quick bite and to trade goodies (pictures and knits...yay), where I overhear the following conversation....

Girl - so yeah, look me up on facebook, we'll get together

Guy - uh.....I don't have Internet at home...

Girl - (said very emphatically, with a gasp of horror and an edge of disbelief) what???? HOW am I supposed to contact you??

.....uh....... ever hear of a phone... you know... they have numbers on them... you dial and oh heavens... actually talk to someone!!


oh my goodness I laughed all afternoon about that one!

1 comment:

Freckle Face Photography said...

How could you hear this when you were talking the whole time???!!! jk!
Love your new look! It's awesome!