One of P's daycare workers approached me a couple months ago telling me she'd seen and loved the baby wraps I make... I was wondering how this was going to tie in with the "unusual request", sincerely hoping she wasn't going to request an adult sized wrap!!! Could you imagine the quantity of yarn that would involve?? funny thing is...I'm sure I have much MORE than enough!! she tells me about her cat Mügz. Now Mügz is a very cuddly fellow... he loves to snuggle with her in the evenings, usually with a blanket. C thought he would love some sort of kitty wrap to cuddle in. We talked a little more about him, what kind of cat he is, what color he is, his size, her expectations. She said there was no rush, whenever I get time.

Fortunately C is a patient woman! ...I was busy filling orders and just got to his wrap about a week ago... Here's a couple pics... Hamilton was my obliging model... in fact he was purring like an engine as soon as I put him in... it could have something to do with his obsession with natural, animal derived fibers... the Mügz wrap is a wool blend...mmmmmmmmm sheep.... I'm sure that's what he's thinking...

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