Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday Musing - The Rule of My Body...
If I'm going to be off work for longer than a weekend..... I GET SICK!!!
And true to "the rule" I'm off work this week and sick! hit on Wednesday, lingered, incubated, progressed all weekend and then yesterday, no voice! ...which may have made my husband happy... remember, I tend to talk a lot!!! :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I heart... returning customers & custom orders

I had to share this cute little hat with you!
I got an email a couple weeks back from a local photographer (so local she's actually on my way to work!!!), she's got one of my hats already. So this time she was looking for another hat, and a diaper cover. She sent a picture of a had she'd seen and was hoping for something similar, but with a flower in a soft tone.
Once I poured over the picture for a while I figured it was made using 2 yarns held together. Something for a base, maybe with a little texture and a novelty yarn for some fuzz. I'll have to be honest, I usually stear very clear of the novelty yarn, it's just not my genre, however, on this one I'm glad I picked it up. I think the result came out really cute!
It was funny thought, i crocheted the whole thing and realized that the inside was VERY furry.... I uh........... had to give it a haircut :)
Hope you like! :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Birth Announcements!!!
I've been busy! Orders are coming in more regularly which is fantastic!! Then there's the custom stuff.
Custom Client Project #1 - Hooded mommy wrap - for maternity photography. This is a true labor of love... I'm lovin' it... although it is slow going with the rich cables & lacework!! I will be so happy when I can share the finished product with you!Custom Client Project #2 - Hanging "bucket" for newborn photography... which I'm just about done, just waiting for the base material to be ready. I must say it was a challenge to figure out what he heck I can use to make a ridgid base that can withstand the "hazards of the industry" if you know what I mean. ;) Hopefully this little number should be finished up within the week, then I just have to send it out for fit testing!
Custom Client Project #3 - Vertical Sling for newborn photography... I whipped up a great upright sling made from this beautifully textured imported yarn, accented with either a pink, blue, or green fishnet style flowered band. This little number is getting fit tested this Friday... YAY, I love having connections!!!
Personal Project - I've been trying to get more photography practice when I can, I'm not a professional, that's for sure, but I'm making improvement and learning from my mistakes! ...and I'm really enjoying getting more practice!!! So I did newborn pictures for my co-worker's daughter... oh, she was such a sweet little one!! Well, once I finished up her pictures I asked her mom if she'd be into some birth announcements. She said yes... then I had some fun! ...I haven't scrapbooked in ages but thought I'd approach this project from a digital scrapbooking angle and I had so much fun! Plus I haven't noticed any styled like that for sale!
I liked doing it so much that I made a corresponding boy announcement, in the same layout... and I posted them to my ETSY shop tonight! I hope everyone likes them as much as I do! I'm planning to design some more layouts and post them to ETSY as well... in between client orders of course!!! :)
so.... wanna see my first two announcements??

Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday Musing - I Never Thought I'd Hear My Daughter Say...
oh boy..... now I'm in for it! Two of them like watching sports... ugh!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
With Love ...xoxo

Saturday, October 3, 2009
"um...I have an unusual request..."

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Monday Musing - 10 Things I Love About My Girl
- The way she scrunches up her nose when she smiles!
- How she says words like "pecause", "am-bull-ance", "plablo" (instead of pablo)
- Her great manners!
- She tells me I'm her best mommy!
- That she won't pick a favorite hotel for vacationing because she wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of the hotel that she didn't choose :)
- How she'll grab me a granola bar on the way out the door in the morning, in case I get hungry.
- Baking together in the kitchen.
- That she runs and jumps into my arms for the biggest hugs when I pick her up from daycare.
- That she always wants to send hugs and kisses to my "work ladies".
- How she likes to help me package up and deliver orders!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Monday musing ~ Volume 1
So here goes... my very first Monday musing...
So a couple weeks ago I met Carol for lunch... nowhere special... just the local food court for a quick bite and to trade goodies (pictures and knits...yay), where I overhear the following conversation....
Girl - so yeah, look me up on facebook, we'll get together
Guy - uh.....I don't have Internet at home...
Girl - (said very emphatically, with a gasp of horror and an edge of disbelief) what???? HOW am I supposed to contact you??
.....uh....... ever hear of a phone... you know... they have numbers on them... you dial and oh heavens... actually talk to someone!!
oh my goodness I laughed all afternoon about that one!
Friday, September 11, 2009
a new look for Paper Raisins!!!

I've still got a bunch of things to put together... it takes a lot of little labor-intensive elements to form one cohesive look... and since I know nothing about HTML it's a serious learning curve to make the adjustments!!! ...I was going to roll out the whole new look at once... but I think I changed my mind... I don't want to hide all this great new stuff anymore... I'm really excited to share! I'll be adding the new and replacing the old one or two things at a time... so hold onto your hats...cause within the next few weeks you can watch my transformation!!!! :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Luna ~ Autumn Hippie

Friday, August 7, 2009
sweet, sweet relief!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
a bowl of cherries...

Monday, June 15, 2009

- The illogical fear of a new, never before used type of wool, yarn or fibre.
- Characteristics include fixation, gentle caressing and obsessive contemplation over the fibre's possible uses. It is typically stored in a prominent area, carefully protected in plastic, yet clearly visible, mocking you with its presence.
- Newoolophobia can only be overcome by taking a few deep cleansing breaths and jumping in with both feet, needles or hook in hand.
- Overcoming newoolophobia is undeniably rewarding, resulting in new, wonderful creations and a corresponding boost to self esteem.
I was recently afflicted with a serious case of newoolophobia. I had a request from a client, Gloria for some custom work, a beautiful wrap and hat set that appeared soft and light as a fluffy cloud. I unsuccessfully tried to source out some yarn around home.
I'm hesitant to buy yarn over the Internet...because, unless I've worked with it before I don't know how its going to feel. It could look stunning in a picture, but it could feel crunchy, scratchy or synthetic in my hands. Well...I took the plunge and found this gorgeous hand-spun merino wool from The Fiber Denn on Etsy. I was thrilled when it arrived, it's's varies drastically in great texture...and its a beautiful natural ivory tone... LOVE IT!!!
Then came the newoolophobia...oh, boy... what if I mess this up??? The creation of this yarn was someone else's time, effort and art... it was costly... what if it doesn't turn out how Gloria was expecting... oh the stresses I can impose on myself...
Well, after a few weeks of mulling it over... with the yarn... in it's prominent position... mocking me..... I took the deep breath... and I'm so glad I did... I love how it came out... check it out! :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009's in the bag baby!!!

hoppity hop.... star struck bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you love the baby bunny as much as I do!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
...come find me!!

Friday, May 22, 2009
.........shhhhhhhhhh....whisper please....

Monday, April 27, 2009
the button prop!!!
A while back I saw a gorgeous picture done by Kelley Ryden - her sister had made a sling for her - it was amazing! So, I thought I'd take a stab at it, and I'm so glad I did! ...I'm really excited about the sling! Here's my version... What do you think???

The button sling will be available in 4 colors (brown/ivory, limes, green/tan (as above), blues), has a wood button detail and will retail for $90. There will be limited availability - I bought the store out of the yarn it takes to make this!!! :)

So I'm totally stoked in two other areas... Carol finished editing the images from our product shoot and I'm just in the process of picking out what I want... which so far is um............ everything!!?? ...she does such amazing work it's hard to choose... I'm blown away by the shots she got, seriously can there be too many product shots? :)
The second thing I'm stoked about is that I'm finally working on my "space"... my husband would call it the yarn room... but I prefer to give it a little more prestigious title... my studio!!!
I've had it planned for so long and it's finally going to come together... I got this fantastic EQ3 storage piece in a glossy brown color...and the inside of the drawers are lime green...i think i'm in love! ...the lady at the store suggested that for a work surface I go to our local Habitat Re-Store (they sell stuff that has been salvaged from buildings etc) ...they did however have some brand-spankin'-in-the-box-stuff.... so i got two shiny...shiny red EQ3 tabletops...and fantastic brushed metal legs.... oh, my goodness to actually have enough room to work! we're in the process of hanging two long narrow cabinets with sliding doors above the work surface area... I'm all about the storage... and i bought a great lamp...and I've got a chair & ottoman to re-upholster after i pick out the fabric.... YAY!!! ...i finally see a light at the end of the tunnel! I will be sure to post pics once it's all together! I should have taken a before shot... boxes of yarn piled up to the ceiling!!!
Well - hope you enjoy the button sling...and stay tuned for more things to come... still more new products to showcase! :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
the feathered nest.... photography prop!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
earthen hive - photography prop!!
I had a fantastic product shoot with Carol last weekend! ....did I mention FANTASTIC?? :) It was so amazing to watch her in action... she's like a non-addictive sedative for babies... I often wondered how she got such amazing shots... all sleepy and bendy and now I know!!! She's got an amazing gift...that's for sure! We had a great time... and it didn't hurt that our two models were ADORABLE!!! ...great big thanks to their moms (and dads) for lending them to us!
The earthen hive is a variation on the hive wrap that I already offer. The yarn is new and available in such great colors!! Hope you love them as much as I do! The colors from bottom left across and then up are : pumpkin, deciduous, water, garden, cave, middle earth & surface.

Tips: The hive wrap is intended for newborns - within their first couple weeks. Their legs should be tight against their body, not extended. Scrunch the wrap down like you would when you put on a sock. It's best to put their bottom into position and then ease the wrap up around their legs, midsecton, shoulders and up over the head. Don't be afraid to stretch it a bit - should fit very snug with lots of skin showing through!
Things to come - stay close because in the next few weeks I'll have several new things coming! I've got a great horizontal button sling that's was based on a Tracy Raver design and it's already creating buzz!! ...I'm really eager to get that one up!!
Enjoy! :)
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
...anyone want to play with Paper Raisins?

If you or someone you know has had a baby in the last couple days or will be having one in the next few days and would like to come and play with us, contact me @
Sunday, March 15, 2009
props baby...

The new hats can be found on the "for baby" section of the galleris on
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I wanted to share it anyway because I really like how it came out... just not for my website...

Thursday, February 12, 2009
the schoolbus driver...

Monday, January 26, 2009
new hats!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009
and the winner was....

Tomorrow I'm heading out to take some pics of Pype, in the new hat I whipped up for her... hopefully they turn out!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
yarn & stuff
I got a new's really fancy!!! ...and I'm really hoping to develop some skills... me, skills and camera are somewhat questionable together, but i've always been intrigued by photography and thought there's no time like the present to jump in with both feet... and if I can get Pyper to stop making faces for more than 2 minutes at a time, i'll have an in-house model!!!
I picked up a bunch of yarn a little while ago...I saw this one and had to have was stunning. I don't think I quite captured the colors of it, i'm going to have to play some more... it's this beautiful lime and aqua with silver accents... it is intended for a scarf... there was this great lady at my work who retired, she was a blast and I gave her a "pick whatever you want" gift certificate... once I came across this, I knew it had to be for her!!!

I've got a bunch of little projects in the works, and again many new styles that are on the horizon... tried to get some shots of my girlfriend's baby in a few, but I just couldn't get what I was after... got some great pics of her little guy, just none that showcased my merchandise...
I just signed up on flickr - you can check me out there too... hopefully you'll be seeing progressively better shots... more pressure to succeed if I know someone's keeping an eye on the progress!!! ...check it out at
...i'm off... hope you're all keeping was -49 with the wind chill today... brrrrrrrrrrrrr